Yer talents are needit fur a better internet

Mozilla is a non-profit organisation wirkin tae mak siccar that the internet is open and walcomin tae awbodie. And we need yer help. By jynin oor community, ye can help steer innovation, augment accoontability and trust and mak the internet a better place fur us aw.

How ye can inpit…

Oor Mission

Oor mission is tae mak siccar the internet is a global public resoorce, open and wi ingang fur aw. An internet that evendoon pits fowk first, whaur individuals can shape their ain experience and are empouered, sauf and independent.

Makkit by passionate fowk like yersel

When ye inpit tae Mozilla, ye become pairt o a warldwide community makkit up o fowk fae aroond the globe wha uphaud that we aw hae a pairt tae pley in makkin siccar that the internet bides as a force fur guid.

We uphaud that community collaboration is vital tae makkin an internet that is diverse, innovative, and accoontable tae the fowk that need it maist. Whether ye've a backgrund in tech, community organisin, or jist a computer and a bittie time on yer hauns, ye can help us mak the internet a better place.

Get Hauners

Mozilla has a dedicatit curn o volunteers tae help wi whitever issues ye micht be haein.

Strauchlin wi a wab page?

If yer experience o a wabsite is different fae yin stravaiger tae the neist, then ye micht hae airtit oot a wab compatibility issue. We'd luve tae ken aboot it!