Firefox Beta and Developer Edition
Release Notes

Release Notes tell you what’s new in Firefox. As always, we welcome your feedback. You can also file a bug in Bugzilla or see the system requirements of this release.

120.0beta Firefox Beta

October 24, 2023

Version 120.0beta, first offered to Beta channel users on October 24, 2023

Firefox Beta gets updated 3 times a week and as a consequence, the release notes for the Beta channel are updated continuously to reflect features that have reached sufficient maturity to benefit from community feedback and bug reports.

Warning: Features listed here may or may not make a final release of Firefox.

In addition to these release notes, you can follow ongoing development via our @FirefoxBeta Twitter account.


  • Keyboard shortcuts have now been added for editing and deleting a selected credential on about:logins. For editing - Alt + enter (Option + return on macOS) and for deleting - Alt + Backspace (Option + Delete on macOS).

  • Users on Ubuntu Linux now have the ability to import from Chromium when both are installed as Snap packages.

  • Users can now use an added devtools feature to simulate browser tabs to be offline.

  • Picture-in-Picture now supports corner snapping on Windows and Linux - just hold Ctrl as you move the PiP window.

  • Firefox now imports TLS trust anchors (e.g., certificates) from the operating system root store. This will be enabled by default on Windows, macOS, and Android, and if needed, can be turned off in settings (Preferences → Privacy & Security → Certificates).

  • Firefox now supports a setting (in Preferences → Privacy & Security) to enable Global Privacy Control. With this opt-in feature, Firefox informs the websites that the user doesn’t want their data to be shared or sold.

    UI setting for GPC

  • Firefox supports a new “Copy Link Without Site Tracking” feature in the context menu which ensures that copied links no longer contain tracking information.

    copy site image

  • Firefox has enabled Cookie Banner Blocker by default in private windows for all users in Germany. Firefox will now auto-refuse cookies and dismiss annoying cookie banners for supported sites.

  • Firefox has enabled URL Tracking Protection by default in private windows for all Firefox users in Germany. Firefox will remove non-essential URL query parameters that are often used to track users across the web, thereby continuing to protect our users’ online privacy.

  • Firefox’s private windows and ETP-Strict privacy configuration now enhance the Canvas APIs with Fingerprinting Protection, thereby continuing to protect our users’ online privacy.


  • The User Activation API has now been added, allowing JavaScript to check if the user currently is or has been active with the page (clicking, etc) with navigator.userActivation.

  • Early Hints Preconnect, the informational status code 103, is now enabled. This allows servers to send resource Link headers before the final HTTP response and improves performance on servers using this feature. (read more)

Web Platform

  • lh and rlh units can now be parsed and computed correctly as lengths. This allows authors to specify lengths in terms of the element's (or the root element's) line height.

  • WebAssembly GC is now enabled by default, which allows new languages, such as Dart or Kotlin, to run on Firefox. This makes it possible for reference cycles between the guest language and host browser to be collected.

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