Opt Out


Your privacy is very important to Convert Experiences. Through our services, we do not collect personally identifiable information, install software on users’ computers, or track keystrokes. Convert Experiences also does not transfer information from one client to another. To opt out Convert Experiences, simply follow the instructions below. The link will automatically replace the specified advertising cookie(s) and verify your opt-out status.

Opt-Out on Convert.com, click here

Network Advertising Initiative

Opting out of our network does not mean you will no longer receive online advertising. It does mean that the Convert Experiences clients with our software installed will no longer deliver ads tailored to your web preferences and usage patterns.

Convert Experiences belongs to and conforms to the standards of the Network Advertising Initiative, which enables consumers to opt out of having their behavior tracked by our technology.

If you want to opt out for specific sites only you can opt-out on a site by adding a short string to the URL of the site that uses Convert Experiences.

http://www.domain.com?convert_optout=1 - opt out query string
http://www.domain.com?convert_canceloptout=1 - opt in again

Please feel free to view our Privacy Policy. If you have questions or concerns regarding our stance on privacy, please e-mail info@convert.com

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Important. Please Read.

  • Check your inbox for the password to Convert’s trial account.
  • Log in using the link provided in that email.

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