Firefox Beta and Developer Edition
Release Notes

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36.0beta Firefox Beta

January 15, 2015

Version 36.0beta, first offered to Beta channel users on January 15, 2015


  • Pinned tiles on the new tab page can be synced

  • Support for the full HTTP/2 protocol. HTTP/2 enables a faster, more scalable, and more responsive web.

  • New preferences implementation enabled for the first half of the beta cycle

  • Locale added: Uzbek (uz)


  • CSS gradients work on premultiplied colors

  • Fix some unexpected logout from Facebook or Google after restart



Web Platform

  • Implemented a subset of the Media Source Extensions (MSE) API to allow native HTML5 playback on YouTube (Windows Vista or later only)

  • Support for the ECMAScript 6 Symbol data type added

  • CSSOM-View scroll behavior implemented allowing smooth scrolling of content without custom libraries

  • object-fit and object-position implemented.
    Defines how and where the content of a replaced element is displayed

  • isolation CSS property implemented.
    Create a new stacking context to isolate groups of boxes to control which blend together

  • CSS3 will-change property implemented.
    Hints the browser of elements that will be modified. The browser will
    perform some performance optimization for these

  • Improved ES6 generators for better performance

  • Changed JavaScript 'const' semantics to conform better to the ES6 specification.
    The const declaration is now block-scoped and requires an initializer. It also can not be redeclared anymore.

  • <meta name="referrer"> implemented for more privacy. Allows to control the content of the HTTP referer header.

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