Firefox Beta and Developer Edition
Release Notes

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95.0beta Firefox Beta

November 2, 2021

Version 95.0beta, first offered to Beta channel users on November 2, 2021


  • Avoided always posting a NSEvent to the event loop every time a non-native event is ran which should reduce the CPU usage of the WindowServer process.

  • The Picture-in-Picture toggle button can now be moved to the opposite side of the video from the new context menu option Move Picture-in-Picture Toggle to Left (Right) Side.

  • Reduced power usage of software decoded video on macOS especially in fullscreen. This includes many streaming sites like Netflix or Amazon Prime Video.

  • RLBox — a new technology that hardens Firefox against potential security vulnerabilities in third-party libraries — is now enabled on all platforms.


  • We’ve added a User Agent override for, which allows Firefox users to use more Call features and have access to Huddles.


  • On macOS command-clicking links in Gmail still does not open a new tab. Workaround: you can click links in Gmail without pressing command, which will still open a new tab.

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