Firefox Beta and Developer Edition
Release Notes

Release Notes tell you what’s new in Firefox. As always, we welcome your feedback. You can also file a bug in Bugzilla or see the system requirements of this release.

133.0beta Firefox Beta

October 29, 2024

Version 133.0beta, first offered to Beta channel users on October 29, 2024

Firefox Beta gets updated 3 times a week and as a consequence, the release notes for the Beta channel are updated continuously to reflect features that have reached sufficient maturity to benefit from community feedback and bug reports.

Warning: Features listed here may or may not make a final release of Firefox.

In addition to these release notes, you can follow ongoing development via our @FirefoxBeta X account.


  • You can now show tabs from other devices in the Tab overview menu.

  • GPU-accelerated Canvas2D is enabled by default on Windows.

  • Desktop mode browsing is now enabled by default for large devices on Firefox for Android. This can be controlled via a preference under Settings in "Site settings" previously named "Site permissions".

  • When copying text to the clipboard in Private Browsing mode, Firefox for Android now handles it as sensitive content. The toast notification for the clipboard is masked on Android 13 and higher.

  • Firefox now has a new anti-tracking feature enabled in Enhanced Tracking Protection "strict" mode: Bounce Tracking Protection. This protection detects bounce trackers based on redirect behavior and periodically purges their cookies and site data to prevent tracking.


  • If we have the server time, we adjust the "expire" attribute value by adding the delta between the server and the local times. If the current time is set in the future, we consider valid cookies that are not expired for the server.

  • Fixed an issue that started with macOS Sonoma where the emoji picker would open and immediately close when opened with the Cmd+Ctrl+Space shortcut.

    Thanks to research by Carlos Duarte do Nascimento (Chester) and :bintoro, and a patch by Carlos Duarte do Nascimento (Chester), we have been able to fix this universally for this shortcut and similar shortcuts going forward.

  • Fixed an issue that started with macOS Sonoma where the emoji picker would also insert the character "e" in the selected text field/box when opening the emoji picker using the Fn+e shortcut.

    We have also fixed this for similar shortcuts using the Fn key.

  • The "Picture-in-Picture: auto-open on tab switch" feature from Firefox Labs now behaves more reliably on more sites - auto-opening more videos that you care about, and ignoring ones that you probably don't care about.

Web Platform

  • Firefox now supports the keepalive option in the Fetch API. This feature allows developers to make HTTP requests that can continue to run even after the page is unloaded, such as during page navigation or closing.

  • Firefox now supports Permissions API in Worker Context.

  • Firefox now dispatches beforetoggle events just before a dialog opens and toggle events after the dialog closes, matching the behavior of popovers.

  • Methods are now available on UInt8Array to convert to and from Base64 and hexadecimal encodings. This is an implementation of a Stage 3 TC39 proposal, for more details see the proposal text.

  • Added support for image decoding as part of the WebCodecs API. This allows for decoding of images from the main and worker threads.

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