Things you should know
Improve performance and stability for our users everywhere
Technical Data: We may receive basic information about your device and Focus, such as what version you have installed, your operating system, basic information about crashes and errors, and your system timezone and locale.
Interaction Data: We receive information about how often you use Focus and interact with certain features or prompts. This includes information such as when you start a new browsing session, how often you use search or launch an external browser from Focus, and which features in the Settings screen are enabled.
Read the telemetry documentation for Android here and here, and iOS here.
Measure and support our marketing
- Campaign Data and Referral Data: On Android, this helps Firefox Focus understand the effectiveness of our marketing campaigns. Focus may use “Referral Data” such as the website domain or advertising campaign that referred you to download and install Focus. This data is kept by Adjust, our analytics vendor, and provided when you start Focus, and also includes a Google advertising ID, timestamp, country, locale, operating system, and app version. Mozilla does not receive this data for Klar. Read the documentation.
Support Search
You can perform searches directly in the Awesome Bar. Mozilla does not receive your search queries. We do receive data about how you engage with search in Firefox Focus and the number of searches you request from our search partners. Query data is sent to your default search provider, which has its own privacy policy.
- Search suggestions: If enabled, Firefox Focus sends search queries to your search provider to help you discover common phrases other people have searched for and improve your search experience. These data will not be sent if your selected search provider does not support search suggestions.