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ChatZilla works on the latest versions of SeaMonkey and the Mozilla Suite and versions of Mozilla Firefox up to 56. ChatZilla does not work in Firefox 57 (Firefox Quantum).
ChatZilla is a clean, easy to use and highly extensible Internet Relay Chat (IRC) client, built on the Mozilla platform, which provides all the usual features: multiple servers, a built-in list of standard networks, easy searching and sorting of available channels, logging, and DCC chat and file transfers, plus easy customization with JavaScript plug-ins and CSS styling.
Latest News
- With the release of Firefox 57 (Firefox Quantum), it is no longer possible for ChatZilla to work as an extension in Firefox. We would like to convert ChatZilla to a WebExtension but at this time there are a number of WebExtension limitations which we cannot reasonably overcome at this time.
- We would all like to thank the Firefox users which have used ChatZilla throughout the years.
- As we come to the end of another year, we've got another small update for ChatZilla ( to ensure the best compatibility with upcoming Firefox releases. We hope you enjoy it!