setup the build tools
Before you can actually compile any part of the Warpzilla source code, you need several tools and must setup your environment pretty carefully.
Some people may already have a diferent compiler and other similar build tools. You are welcome to try them out but sometimes behaviors are slightly different and this may lead to hard to pinpoint failures. Try posting in the newsgroup with your tales of woe and further tips.
The warpzilla team has decided to maintain the port for two popular compilers. On the one hand is IBM's commercial product VisualAge for C++ and on the other hand the free GNU gcc emx port. It may eventually be possible to compile with pgcc which is an Pentium-optimizing compiler.
Both compilers could be used until relatively recently to compile the sources, so there is no final recommendation on which product to use. The last few changes broke the VisualAge support but it will likely be back soon if you all work hard enough. If you decide to use the IBM compiler, be sure to apply the latest set of product fixes (FixPak 8 which is already included if you buy the now current version 3.08). Without the fixes, it cannot access the object files generated by Un*x style tools.
- IBM VisualAge for C++ Version 3.0
Available from your favourite IBM Dealer. For more information, take a look at their web site.
The required fixes can be obtained from the IBM FTP Server. - emx/gcc version 0.9c
You can download this compiler either from Hobbes (USA) orLEO (Germany).
It is helpful to consult README.DOC to identify the packages desired and to follow carefully the instructions in INSTALL.DOC.
gnu tools for os/2
Even if you don't use the gnu compiler, you still need a set of gnu tools because the warpzilla makefiles rely heavily on Un*x-like tools.
Most of these links will help you retrieve a file from Hobbes but those
with a will certainly be closer for European users.
gnu make Utility
This is used to build Warpzilla. Even if you own Visual Age C++, you must use gmake.
Newish: Note that there are currently problems with GMAKE 3.76.1 (disappearing perl files) so be sure to use the older version 3.75 until the issues have been cleared! -
gnu bash
The most popular Un*x shell (gnu Bourne Again Shell).
gnu Utilities (shell)
Several gnu shell utilities that are invoked by the makefile.
More gnu Utilities (files)
The gnu file utilities are needed by gbash.
Even More gnu Utilities (text)
This package contains another required gnu utility.
as 2.8.1
Some code in the new viewer requires a modern assembler. Which in turn depends on the dlls in -
The makefile configuration software autoconf will soon be used to simplify the makefile maintenance nightmare. -
gnu m4 a macro pre-processor will soon be necessary as the build moves toward autoconf.
gnu awk
The build process also required awk at some point.
perl 5.02b
We will require perl as well if you do not already have it.
gnu sed
gnu sed (stream-editor) was used somewhere in the build process.
cvs 1.10
cvs is used to access the mozilla source repository directly at
installation and configuration
After you have installed one or both compilers and all required tools have been downloaded, you must install and configure these tools to create a suitable build environment.It looks like a really long list but it's not so bad: please read about the instructions in all these packages and install them according to your own preferred file directories and standards. Because there are so many lazy people, We have however decided to provide a quick'n'dirty technique right here that you may use at your own risk:
We assume that you install everything apart from the compilers into the
directory X:\Warpzilla.
Create a directory X:\Warpzilla\tools that will hold all
the required tools. Also, create a subdirectory X:\Warpzilla\tools\home
that will hold some configuration files.
- Extract make-os2.exe from the archive into the tools directory and rename it to gmake.exe.
- The archive contains a subdirectory exe from which you extract uname.exe and gnushu.dll to the tools directory.
- The files bash.exe and termcap.dat from should be copied to the tools directory and renamed to gbash.exe. Also, put .bashos2, .bashrc and .inputrc from the home-subdirectory of the bash archive into \tools\home.
- From, copy mkdir.exe, rm.exe, cp.exe, mv.exe and chmod.exe to the tools directory.
- From the archive, take the file gawk32.exe and extract it to the tools directory. Rename the file to awk.exe.
- Copy cvs.exe to the tools subdirectory.
- Extract cat.exe from and place into to tools directory.
- sed.exe from also has to reside in the tools subdirectory.
The perl, autoconf and m4 instructions are still lacking, you might have to do a little reading. You are welcome to send improvements to these instructions when you figure it out.
The next step is to obtain the source before you try your luck on the compilation lottery.