You are viewing information archived from on 2015-08-05.

Test Case Description for  Navigation Links

Purpose: Verify that assistive technology can access the main content which skips over navigation links to get to.

Initial  Conditions:

  1. Have Screen Reader program installed.

  1. View the site with browser.
  2. View the site with Screen Reader and activate the "Skip Navigation Links" to skip to the main content of the page.

 Expected Results:
  1. In Step1,a text link"Skip Navigation Links" is displayed at the top of the page.
  2. In Step2,the "Skip to ..." link is taken and SR begins reading at the begining of the main content.

HTML Source Code:

<a href="#maincontent">Skip Navigation Links</a>
<a name="maincontent"></a><h1> The main content...</h1>