You are viewing information archived from on 2015-08-05.

Test Case Description for  Frames

Purpose:  Provide a title for each FRAME element and frame page.
                Provide an accessible source for each frame.

Initial  Conditions:

  1. Have Screen Reader program installed.

Steps and Description:

Check the site to ensure that it complies with accessibility requirements.


Steps and Description


Accessible FRAME navigation

View the page with Screen Reader(SR).

To display the list of frames in SR,type Ctrl-E(maybe different according to the README),SR creates a list of frames using the page title,if it is available. If the title is not available, the frame will be listed as Untitled.

[Frame 1:title frame above main LHS-frame]
[Frame 2:Untitled]

[Frame 3:Untitled]

[Frame 4:Untitled]

Accessible FRAME source

Check the FRAMESET page to make sure each frame is an HTML file

All files named in the FRAMESET page will be HTML files.

HTML Source Code:

  <frameset cols="40%,*">
<frameset rows="5%,*">
<frame src="./rule_title.html" name="rule_title" title="title frame above main LHS-frame">
<frame src="./rule.html#subpartb" name="rule">
<frameset rows="5%,*">
<frame src="./preamble_title.html" name="preamble_title">
<frame src="./preamble.html#subpartb" name="preamble">