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interface nsIAccessibleAction

The nsIAccessible interface provided by MAI which the user can activate/interact with

Public Methods

[more] boolean doAction (in long index)
execute the specified Action and return the result.
[more] AString getDescription (in long index)
get a description of the specified action of the object
[more] void getDescriptionConst (in long index, [shared, retval] out string description)
get the string that descript the specified action
[more] AString getKeyBinding (in long index)
Returns a keybinding associated with this action, if one exists.
[more] void getKeyBindingConst (in long index, [shared, retval] out string keyBinding)
Returns a keybinding associated with an specified action, if one exists.


The nsIAccessible interface provided by MAI which the user can activate/interact with
o boolean doAction(in long index)
execute the specified Action and return the result.

index - input the index of the specified action

a boolean type result representing if the action was successfully executed.

o AString getDescription(in long index)
get a description of the specified action of the object

index - input the action index corresponding to the action to be performed

an Astring result descript the specified action.

o void getDescriptionConst(in long index, [shared, retval] out string description)
get the string that descript the specified action

index - input a long type index corresponding to the action to be performed
description - output a string type result which specify the action

o AString getKeyBinding(in long index)
Returns a keybinding associated with this action, if one exists.

index - the action index corresponding to the action to be performed
eter - index an input parameter

an AString representing the keybinding

o void getKeyBindingConst(in long index, [shared, retval] out string keyBinding)
Returns a keybinding associated with an specified action, if one exists.

index - input a long type index corresponding to the specified action
keyBinding - output a keybinding associated with an specified action

This class has no child classes.

Alphabetic index

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